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So there are certain things in life that mere mortals should not have to deal with - not if they want to keep hold of their joie de vivre anyway, and accountancy, is one of them - Tom would add shopping to that list too but I kind of like it. I don't however, know anyone, not one person who enjoys bookkeeping - even those who do it for a living!

And so when your bookkeeping system is playing up, can you imagine just how so very frustrating that is? And so I wasted a number of hours of my otherwise very lovely life and threw them in the bin. I will have to continue another day - preferably on a day when help (as professional as I can get) is on hand!

Even the illegal loggers don't get me swearing like that!

And we so often forget it. We take it for granted. We walk the trails, we admire the views but there is always so much more that goes unnoticed: the bugs, the tiny flowers, the orchids who creep out once a year for a few days and then disappear for another year. The butterflies who come out and dance in the rain. The rivers that swell, the waterfalls gushing - we forget all this happens until we witness the magic again. The sun shines on the rift valley, it casts it light as far as the eye can see, throwing shadows in the many dimples of this land: nothing less than spectacular.

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