It has taken over 9 weeks to recover from the R4R, I also didn't realise that it has been so long since I had updated the blog :/ Poor show on my part, and spectacularly disorganised! Maybe organisation was one element of my life that went into a dormant state once the R4R was over... Maybe it is just me :/
Anyway... depsite my fears, stress, tears of frustration and general "agggghhhhhhhh", the Run 4 Reforestation was AMAZING.
Here is a snapshot of what it was like, curtesy of Old Mutual :)
Somehow and despite major fears, nearly everything went to plan - well 95% went to plan, which is not to be sniffed at. The fact that for the second year running the competitors didn't get any t-shirts (last year we ran out, this year there were none ... :/)
Aside from that, we had plenty of water, there were first aiders on hand, the Sustainability Fair and the Blantyre Farmer's Market were brillient, the auction (thank you Phalombe Hardware) was great, the raffle was a huge success, the helpers all did an amazing job and no one got lost - Bonus!!
A BIG THANK YOU to Old Mutual, to CFAO Malawi, to Sunbird KuChawe, to Energem, to Pick A Part, to Agora, to DAPP, to Phalombe Hardware, to Be Forward and to all the participants and spectators, for making this event such a success :)
I feel daunted already, but bring on Run4Reforestation 2020 :))