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So the story goes that Rintintin, a dog adopted by a soldier in France during WW2, learned to limp into the military base in the mornings and would be fed little morsels of meat because the soldiers all felt sorry for him - but it turned out he didn't have a limp, he was just a clever pup.

So my cheeky number up there on the left may have some Rintintin in him: Saxon was never overenthused about going for a run and has been known to run back home if I don't watch him, but recently he "develops" a limp half way through my run and so I switch to a walk to help him out. I thought he had a genuine problem but now I think he realises that if he limps I will stop running!! So my running has come to a stop and he is a happy pup.

Little does he know that I am smarter than he is and my empathy is limited. Tomorrow we are going for a run, or maybe Monday, after all tomorrow is Sunday: I really should be resting :)

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